Addiction![]() Therapy can help provide the tools needed to replace the addictive behavior with healthy coping skills.
The biggest loss for people suffering with addiction is the general harm their addiction is doing to the quality of life. A central problem however, is the addicted person's failure to recognize the harm their addiction is doing and the consequences that often ensue.
The word addiction is often overused in our culture to describe any behavior we deem unwanted. That said, we actually live in a highly addictive society. The American Psychiatric Association defines addiction as "a physical dependency on a substance that results in withdrawal symptoms in its absence." Many of us have become dependent on something outside of ourselves to help us cope with the inevitable challenges of life, and staying away from that "something" feels like going through withdrawal. Alcohol and other mind-altering drugs, food, shopping, gambling, and even work are among the many things we turn to as diversions from the struggles we all face. When any of these substances or behaviors becomes obsessive or destructive, it can be equally problematic for you and for your family. The addiction provides a false sense of security, and may become so overwhelming that it feels more important than anything else, including family, finances, work, or other basic essentials of life. But ultimately it leaves you with feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. The causes are complex, and often run in families either by nature (determined by biology or genetics) or nurture (learned via the environment or behavior). The goal of therapy is to help you recognize any addictive behaviors you may have and understand how they are affecting your life. The next step is to provide the support and education you need to help you replace those behaviors with healthy coping skills. Finally we'll help you grieve the loss you'll feel when you give up the object of your addiction, and celebrate the new freedom you find in releasing it. |